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To overcome fear we need to understand what fear is. “Fear is a natural, powerful, and primitive human emotion; fear alerts us to the presence of danger or the threat of harm, whether that danger is physical or psychological”. Fear is beneficial to us humans; it is an essential response to physical and emotional threat; if we didn’t feel it, we wouldn’t protect ourselves from actual threats. But sometimes, we go overboard with the fear thing, stopping us from experiencing the beautiful things life has to offer

The benefits of Forgiveness is vast, but before we go into its benefits, it is ideal we understand the word “Forgiveness”. Forgiveness is; “an individual, voluntary internal process of letting go of feelings and thoughts of resentment, bitterness, anger, and the need for vengeance and retribution toward someone who we believe has wronged us, including ourselves”. This definition covers almost everything I wanted to talk about today.

Many of us deal with bullies daily, and I am sure if I ask some of us to mention them off the top of their heads, they would be able to mention a couple of people. Some of us barely know who a bully is; that’s why we still entertain certain people in our lives. A bully is someone who makes you feel like dirt, someone who makes you feel less than you are.

Finding yourself and who you could be is one of the most empowering and exciting journeys anyone could ever embark on. Every day I pray that God shows me the path I am to take, to be who I am to be. In today’s society, it is almost nonviable to be acquainted with ourselves; many of us don’t know the power we possess. This society you grew up in can put ideas in your head about the type of person you ought to be.

No one wants to live in constant horror of the worst-case scenario occurring. But, unfortunately, I live with fear, and I am sure many people are going through it. Virus, bandits, a ban on Twitter, terrorism; there is a lot of anxiety everywhere around us today. Usually, the causes of these threats can’t be controlled, which makes us spiral into this dark hole of fear. Coping with anxiety is one of the most exhausting experience. We often get consumed by our worries, whatever the concerns may be, be it global, political, or personal.

A daily routine to be productive seems far fetched; we need to adopt certain activities into our daily routine. The likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama and Oprah all spoke about developing daily habits to become who they are today. I have heard several people say that routines are boring, which is understandable but not entirely true. Your mornings are the essential part of your day, the energy you start your morning with is what is going to drag on throughout your day, so it is crucial to start your mornings productively.

Giving compliments is one of the cheapest things you could indulge in; it is an activity that leaves both the giver and receiver happy. Praises, they say, goes a long way, and that is so true. When was the last time you received a commendation? And how did it make you feel?. But in our world today, when everyone seems to be very busy with their various problems and routine, we seem to forget to notice the people around us. It is essential to take some time to see the people around you and pay them compliments, and this simple act can spread positivity.

Although Apple Cider Vinegar may not be a delicious potion, it has numerous health benefits. It has been used throughout the centuries for both cooking and medicinal purposes. This concoction has been proven over the years to help individuals in almost all aspects of life; body, beauty, hygiene, and mind.

Staying positive in Nigeria is proving to be a difficult task as the days go by, with the country in such disarray. It is perfectly normal to see everything in life from a negative and pessimistic point of view. During this period it is crucial to ensure our mental and psychological health is stable. There is always bad news on every platform.

Why Bloggers Will Not Make Heaven. Going off this, it is understandable when a reader clicks on an article hoping to find an article on why pineapples don’t have seeds, only to find out that it is an article on what doctors say about bad breath.