Browsing: Presentation Day

Tony composed a long resignation email and sent it to Mr. Henry; life was now uncertain for him without a job but he felt free, he felt happy, he had a certain peace that he could not explain. No matter what happened, he was sure that all was going to be well; because he now knew the things that matter the most to him, life and family.

When he got to the floor that was directly below the roof top; he searched for water desperately and finally found half a bottle of water abandoned underneath a desk. He gulped it without thought and waited for a few seconds to see if it was going to have any effect on his current state. It did… he felt a little better and stronger but the pain in his arm lingered.

Okay then, let’s go… perhaps he is outside the vicinity” Inspector Dauda speculated and Linus agreed, walking behind him in a massive hurry. For the first time in his career, he joined the league of policemen found wanting.

Tony turned to Mr. Henry “you never asked me why I asked you to come here” “to take care of this murderfucker” he replied with confidence as he nibbled on an apple “wrong” Tony announced and shot Mr. Henry in the head causing Anderson to scream and cry like a baby.

Olinlin got out of the car and put the Taser at the back of his trouser like it was a gun. He walked discreetly around the car park and took note of a black Mercedes Benz parked in a dark spot near the entrance of the building. He stood behind the car for a while soliloquizing and hid when he saw someone walk by “do not allow anybody see you” he heard Tony’s voice in his head.

“Today we will be learning quantitative studies. Tony Barz did I say that you can sit down?” his math teacher enjoyed terrorizing him. The more timid Tony appeared, the more his math teacher picked on him in class.

Tony was stood strong, the bomb he sent to Anderson’s house was not on and certainly had no connection to his phone; he only turned on a countdown app with a virtual button for dramatic effect.

“Skippy… you haven’t changed a bit” Tony replied “unfortunately for you bro… I can’t say the same. You look like shit… what happened to your arm?” “Long story… you have my stuff?” Tony was in a hurry “yes, but you know I don’t do short notice” “I know… I know… and I am very sorry and I appreciate it, I swear”

When they got to Asokoro, Tony directed Olinlin until they stopped behind a big mansion; he gave Olinlin his suit jacket with his tie and shades “wear this” he said “Oga which place be this?” “na Asokoro” Tony’s answer was an invitation for him to obey without questions.

The policeman helped him pick up the phone “oh it’s my father that is calling… he is probably worried about me” Tony played the sympathy card well, making sure that the policeman got a good view of his broken arm in a cast.

Tony was half way to the car when he realized that Olinlin was neither walking beside nor behind him, so he turned back and saw Olinlin still standing where he left him. He waived his hands at him but he didn’t move “move your feet young man” he mouthed but Olinlin still didn’t move an inch.

“Olinlin, you remember the man wey I been dey point for reception downstairs?” “Yes, before you faint. The wan wey you talk say wan kill you” Tony nodded sharply “na em be dey drive the car wey jam me” “Chineke meh! E mean say true true en wan kill you” “yes”.

Tony sipped out of the water bottle, covered it, put it on the table and laid on the bed; he closed his eyes and prayed that when he opened them, the day would be a dream but Olinlin’s voice didn’t even let him fantasize properly. He opened his eyes and turned to Olinlin

He leaned back and looked at Tony as if he was scanning his brain for hidden information “Are you serious about your role in IKY Investment Group?” an odd question that Tony did not understand “yes sir, I am ready to do my part to move this company forward” Tony replied as if he was interviewing for his job all over again “then make the call” Anderson commanded.

“E be like say you be wan do superman” Olinlin tried to make a joke but Tony didn’t laugh; not because it wasn’t funny but because he didn’t get the joke. They finally arrived at the hospital and luckily for Tony, he didn’t need surgery; all he needed was a lot of stiches, bandages and a cast for his broken arm.

As Tony walked back into the room, Mr. Henry was already sitting up; he looked at Tony intently, watching him as he took steps closer to the chair beside the bed. “Please sit” “I was already going to sit” Tony was now using his new found power and he couldn’t help but to be rude to the man.

“It is the picture of the woman who has a son for you… now tell me, does your wife know about her?” “I don’t see how the police will be interested in my marital affairs” Mr. Henry countered. Tony brought out another printed picture from his briefcase and this time the woman in the second picture brought panic to Mr. Henry’s face.

After fifteen minutes of agony, they finally arrived at the Abuja Private Clinic but unfortunately for Tony; they were already ready for him in the conference room, so he had no opportunity to run to the bathroom for a minute or two to practise and read through his presentation documents. “Are you ready?” Mr. Henry asked with a smirk on his face and Tony nodded “are you a lizard? When I ask you something answer with your fucking mouth” if ever Tony could slap that man, it would have been in that moment.

The ride was torturous because all Tony could think about was his sister’s body lying in his living room; he didn’t think he could see her in that state and be able to go for his presentation in a good state of mind. If only there was a way for him to get the document without going into that house. “Maybe I can recreate the document” he thought.