A month later, Biola and Father Samson were in a full-blown affair, she lusts after him every time he preached and loved it every time he blushed when he saw her making sexy faces at him. But Father Samson… he was in love with Biola, being with her made him tired of his calling, he was crazy about her and she was on his mind all day long.
At a point, he did feel like he was going mad, and just as he couldn’t stop thinking about Biola, was the way he could not shake the guilt that sat deep in his conscience tormenting him. “Runaway with me, let’s run away… leave everything and go” Father Samson proposed, they were in Biola’s apartment, he was ready to give everything up for Biola and so was she.
She told him that she had enough money and that they could go to any country they desired. It was exciting for them in that moment, Biola could have never been happier, finally she was with someone who understood her more than anything and was willing to accept her the way she was; in a way he reminded her of Seyi and how he treated her despite all
“Saturday evening… we can leave on Saturday” he said “I’ll get the tickets then” “no, I’ll get the tickets… I know you have money but let me take this one” he kissed her. They had agreed to move to Ghana on the coming Saturday and also decided not to see each other till then.
They were only supposed to meet at the car park close to the school she taught. That Saturday morning was very exciting and time flew by quickly but she was on time to their meeting spot but he was not there. She waited for him thinking that he was stuck in traffic but an hour later Father Samson did not show up.
Just as she was about to go back home in tears, a church worker approached her “excuse me, are you Biola?” she looked at the man wondering what was going on “yes I am” “please you are needed in church right now… it’s about Father Samson”. Biola was reluctant to go with the man because she felt Father Samson was caught and wanted to through her under the bus too but she decided to go and defend herself.
When they got there she was led to the waiting room of the Bishop and after a couple of minutes the Bishop and two other reverend fathers appeared; Father Samson was still nowhere in sight.
They sat across from her with grim looks on their faces “you are Biola Kila?” the Bishop asked with a stern voice ignoring her greeting “yes Bishop” he gave her an envelope “open it” he nudged and when she did, it was a note that read
“I am sorry, I couldn’t. Love Samson“
Biola looked at them with a puzzled look “Father Samson was found dead in his room this morning, we are afraid that he committed suicide. He cut a vein in his neck with a razor and bled to death” the words felt like thousand arrows piercing her back “how? What do you mean?” she thought but her lips were unable to say the words.
“He left three notes, one of confession of the sin you both have committed, Miss Biola you seduced a man to his death” even though Biola was in a place of great confusion she caught the daggers coming out of the Bishops mouth.
“From this day forth you shall not worship here and you are to not be found anywhere close to the school… you may leave” his words were devoid of mercy and Biola in her unconscious state was led out of the compound. She quickly found a wall to lean on while she slowly crashed to the ground and wept bitterly.
She was taking the entire blame, she was taking the blood of Samson on her hands and what a burden it was to bear on a soul that was already loaded with its own troubles.