Browsing: Attack

In the evening hours yesterday, herdsmen launched a surprise attack on drivers plying Ikom-Calabar Highway, raining heavy gunshots on their vehicles and abducting no fewer than eight passengers in the process.

The Gwarimpa attack that occurred during wee hours of Monday, June 6, 2022, is one of the many incidents that prove the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja, is not as safe and secured as been promoted to investors or foreigners.

The Boko Haram Terrorists have reportedly wasted the lives of over sixty productive farmers in Borno State and went further to destroy their farm produce and injured several other residents of the outskirts of Kala Balge Local Government Area in the state.

Boko Haram fighters have welcomed the Chief of Army Staff Lt Gen Tukur Buratai by launching an attack on the Army Special Super Camp at Ngamdu, a border town between Borno and Yobe where he relocated.

“The gunmen opened fire on the soldiers and the soldiers replied. It was a heavy shootout. The Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) positioned in from of the house, made a u-turn blaring siren to join his men behind the house. The soldiers while engaging the gunmen at the back of the house were not aware some gunmen were coming into the house on land. Those gunmen on foot shot dead a soldier and shot another in the leg. The gunmen, escaped after sighting the APC moving to reinforce the soldiers. The gunmen abandoned a boat filled with blood. The gunmen suffered heavy causalities because at the jetty blood was everywhere and some watching from inside the house saw the gunmen moving some bodies of their colleagues into another boat.”