Author: Catherine Assam

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Catherine Presenter: Catherine Assam is a Nigerian-based Content Writer who writes Original Articles on Lifestyle, & Health Care, Fiction Stories, Short films, Video and Commercial Scripts. An author of short story collections. Learning and sharing knowledge is Catherine's favourite activities.

When you hear or read about ‘Girl Power’, what comes to your mind? Ever wondered if it’s real or all just fake? We may have something in common, and if you stick around long enough, you’ll find out.

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The popular Nigerian radio personality, vlogger and lifestyle entrepreneur Toke Makinwa has taken to her Instagram page to advise her fan on the importance of telling the truth in friendships. According to her, being able to tell your friends even the ugliest truth is part of growth. Sharing her personal experiences in brief detail, Toke Makinwa has made it clear that friendship is much more than drinking expensive wines and enjoying the good times. In her words, “Part of growing up is being able to tell your friends the ugliest truth without wavering, I have been the friend that condoned…

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