Browsing: education

The African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD) with the support of Malala Fund organized a 1-day Sub-National summit on Girl Child Education and Premiere of the C-CAGE documentary with the theme “Girl Child Education; A Veritable Tool for Development”. The summit which climaxes the implementation of the C-CAGE project and organized to reinforce the necessity of training the girlchild and conscientize stakeholders on the need to join in the advocacy efforts to advancing girlchild education, had one keynote address, a presentation and a panel session based on the theme.

When you hear or read about ‘Girl Power’, what comes to your mind? Ever wondered if it’s real or all just fake? We may have something in common, and if you stick around long enough, you’ll find out.

A lot of fresh Nigerian undergraduates face this scenario every year and a lot of freshers live for the thrill of walking up and down the university in backpack

The challenges are delay, I had some setbacks. I can say that the environment affected me to some extent. Getting a quality education has been a big problem, though, it depends on one’s financial strength. One of the challenges is not going to school on time. If you take a look, majority of those who had their primary and secondary school here didn’t finish at early age, people don’t get enrolled in school as expected, especially in the villages. Though, I can see some improvements these days.

That Nigerian universities under his watch are not good? That he doesn’t want his children to mix with the children of people who lost their lives in the struggle to see that he become the president, people who drank gutter water and trekked hundreds of kilometers out of joy that he won election?

The Federal Polytechnic Oko, which was once acknowledged as the polytechnic of the moment in Nigeria, has witnessed diverse of changes and growth under the management of their different Rectors.

We desire a working and sane government who would help build more schools and fund the existing ones with necessary equipment and facilities, train and employ more facilitators/teachers, re-visit the school curriculum, pay teachers/lecturers very well for their huge contributions in the society and help make a free flow academic calendar.

As part of the measures to practically correct the anomaly, there is need for the government to provide strict rules and regulation that will guide the system.

“Born in Bebeji, Kano Emirate in 1877, his father, Abdullahi died when he was eight. His mother, Amarya, then left for Accra, and left her children in the care of a slave named Tata. Tata sent young Alhassan to an Almajiri school in Bebeji, where he worked, and learned from a Tijaniyya mallam.