Author: joshua

black mirror

Writer, video content creator, MC, Sports Podcaster, Spoken Word Artist. Football lover, and a rap music lover. I talk football, play football, analyse football and write sports

Popular Nigerian singer and songwriter Joshua Iniyezo Aka Solid Star was seen on the streets of his neighbourhood walking without footwear. The action of the entertainer has got so many people worried especially those that are his fans. Some time ago his younger brother came out to say the singer Solid Star has been going through some difficult time but little or nothing was done by his colleagues the matter has now gone out of hand as his brother affirms that it is now beyond their control. Popular Nigerian Singer Solid Star Allegedly Runs Mad The singer was seen walking…

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Popular Nigerian singer Habib Okikiola popularly known as Portable has finally revealed the genesis of the crisis he is currently having with his colleague Seyi Vibez. The two singers has been at each other’s neck for some time now and many people has been asking

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England top side Chelsea have agreed a deal to sign midfield Mysterio Moises Caicedo from Brighton for a British record fee of £115m. The player is one which both Liverpool and Chelsea battled for but the later won the 21-year-old heart. Liverpool earlier agreed a £111m deal for the 21-year-old Ecuador player on Friday but it seems things changed as the club said they will offer the player to the highest bidder. Moises Caicedo Picks Chelsea over Liverpool Moises Caicedo has always preferred Chelsea and they have finally succeeded with a bid after having a succession of proposals rejected by…

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