There are numerous benefits of Moringa Oleifera; it can also be called the horseradish tree, the miracle tree, drumstick tree, the ben oil tree, or zogale like the indigenous people of Hausa call it. The moringa plant is native to India; it grows in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world, including other parts of Asia, Africa and Southern America. Its leaves, seeds, flowers and roots have been used to solve countless diseases over centuries, diseases like; high blood pressure, diabetes, joint pains, heart diseases, infections and the list goes on and on.
The Moringa plant is enriched with so many vitamins and minerals. It has been scientifically proven that the Moringa plant is enriched with seven times the amount of vitamin c found in oranges, fifteen times the amount of potassium found in bananas and three times the amount of iron found in spinach. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and so many other nutrients.
It is significantly low in fats and cholesterol, which makes it super healthy for consumption by everybody. It contains antioxidants that protect cells from damages and boost the immune system. These antioxidants are said to reduce fat from the blood.
The Benefits Of Moringa
The Seeds
The Moringa seeds are gotten from the pods of the plant. The fresh Moringa seeds are usually soft and tender, but they become hard and start to look like beans once dried. The seeds are rich in fibre which aids digestion. As earlier stated, the Moringa seeds are rich in calcium which is vital for people who suffer from any form of bone diseases like joint pains or arthritis.
They are popularly known for their anti-carcinogenic properties that limit or stop the growth of cancerous cells. Moringa seed oil is used to treat skin diseases boost hair growth; it has been inserted into multiple skins and hair care formulas.

The Leaves
The leaves of Moringa plants have so many health benefits, physically, mentally and psychologically; its leaves can serve as tea. They protect the liver and kidney from all sorts of diseases of infections. Research shows that the leaves have been helpful in the treatment of depression, anxiety and fatigue.
They help decrease the level of glucose in the blood and sugar in the urine. Hence it is used to treat or prevent diabetes. High blood pressure is gotten when the arteries thicken; Moringa stops these arteries from thickening, thereby preventing or reducing high blood pressure.

The Roots
The early Romans, Egyptians and Greeks used the moringa roots for their therapeutic features. They used it to purify their drinking water and make perfumes or scented oils. It is best to use its roots as medicines rather than food; if it must be cooked, scientists advise that we remove the bark because it is toxic. The roots can be used as pests repellent, fertilizers, cleaning agents and animal food.
The Flowers
The Moringa flowers are a great source of vitamin A, which helps boost the immune system and overall eye health. The Moringa flowers are added into teas and tonics to help minimize cold symptoms; it helps cleanse the body.
The benefits of Moringa is why it is called the miracle tree as all its parts benefit overall human health. it is a known fact that whatever have an advantage also have a disadvantage. Before taking Moringa with other medications, it is advised to consult your doctor first. Moringa is used to prepare numerous delicious delicacies like other leafy greens. There is no standard dose for Moringa, although pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are advised against it.