Your style is who you are. It’s a walking statement of who you are, your pride and your confidence.
Your style is something to be proud of no matter who laughs or who thinks it looks wack or crazy. Did i mention, crazy is fashion!.

I label my style ‘EXTREME COMFORT WITH BAGGY SWAG’. Personally i love wearing something that i feel absolutely comfortable in, even if it’s going to a party and my girls are going on heels and shirt staining make up. I rather go for sneakers and extremely light make up.
Why? because my style is me.

My style is the type says i am confident looking the way i want to deal with it.
No matter what you like to wear; crazy lady gaga looks, looking sexy like Kim K, inspire your look with Cardi B, whichever it is, as long as you love it. Rock that look.

Even if people mock you, hold your head high, walk the street like its your runway. You are beautiful and you deserve to feel it.