There are just few weeks to Christmas and less than a couple of months to the New Year. Things are already shaping up for a lot of people who have been busy working and making money all year long. The festive periods come with a lot of spending and many can’t wait to travel home to meet their loved ones. As for those who are not traveling as a result of one reason or the other, there are many things they can engage in to have a wonderful time in the season.
Christmas is celebrated worldwide and the day is observed as a National public holiday in most nations of the world. Here in this part of the world, many use this avenue to travel home and thereby make the roads to be jam-packed by commuters. This season also brings hike in transport fare due to the rush by Nigerians to visit their towns and villages. Many wants to meet their old friends, families, and as well spread the joy of the season by sharing with them gifts. This is to show that the year has really been a success. The bad thing is that accidents are very common on Nigerian roads. This and many other reason has made many to stay put and never consider trying at this time of the year.
I had a conversation with my best friend a couple of days ago. He insisted on staying back in Port Harcourt where’s he working and enjoy the season there rather than spending unnecessary fees to see relatives in just a few days. The harsh economy comes to play here as he argued the money he would pay for taking a flight to and fro would at least make him prepare well for the New Year. For those traveling by road, it will be a hectic one so he wouldn’t want to stress himself. He said ‘’you can have fun where you are’’ and that’s on point.
This article made me ask some friends and relatives if they are traveling home for the Christmas period. About 70% of these friends and relatives said they won’t be traveling as they have visited more than once during the year for other celebrations such as weddings, birthdays, and so on. In fact, one of them said if he has traveled out of the country, will his people still expect to see him around during every public holidays. For those who are traveling home, this period will afford them to bond well with their loved ones they’ve really missed. Either way, we all want to end the year in a spectacular fashion.
I, therefore, bring you things you can do this Christmas if you are not traveling. You’ll definitely have exciting and fulfilling time as you try out any of these 10 things to do.
Hang-out with Friends
This period makes it possible to go places with your friends, lovers, and crushes. Meeting a new friend isn’t a bad idea at all, getting along with old ones is also a good option. You might not have been able to meet up with those you grew up together if you have traveled but you can actually change the routine with those you see on daily basis. Why not try go see a movie with that your friend in the office? Huh!
See a Movie
Your busy schedule may not allow you to see the latest box office movies during the course of the year. This period makes it possible. You can see a good number of Nollywood movies making waves all over the world. Movies that showcase the rich culture and tradition of our people in languages can be a substitute for the cultural activities you could miss back at home. There are many cinema centers all over the country. Notable among them is Silverbird Gallery, Shoprite Cinema Houses all over the country and so on.
Attend Events
There are many social, religious and educational events you can catch up with in this period in your area. The Nigerian entertainment industry has a lot of programs billed for the Christmas season from artistes’ live concerts to stand-up comedians’ shows. Churches also have programs to commemorate the birth of Jesus such as carols of song, playlets and so on. You can also learn one or two things by attending events that can motivate you as you prepare for the year ahead.
Go Sightseeing
It may shock you to know that there are many natural sites you haven’t visited in your area in a long time or not at all. Nigeria is blessed with a beautiful scenery and great landscape. There are natural habitats you can visit with your friends and relatives. There you can see the wildlife and many plants in their natural homes. Agodi Gardens in Ibadan, Yankari Game Reserve in Bauchi are examples of places you can go for sightseeing. There are also hills and mountains all over the country. Make sure you take along your camera to view this beautiful and magnificent works of nature.
Mountaineering & Hiking
You may want to do more than sightseeing and get involved, then there are many hills and mountains you can visit all over the country for this purpose. There in your residential area, you can burn excess fat by going on a long walk with your family and friends. Obudu (Cross River), Udi Hills (Enugu), Benue Hills (Benue), Olumo Rock (Ogun), Idanre Hills (Ondo), are few of the numerous places you can visit for this purpose.
The period is not meant to accumulate more fat by eating everything that is edible as result of the surplus of foods and drinks. You can go to the gym with your partner or meet a new one there this festive period so as to stay in shape. Who says you cannot begin the New Year in good shape? A good plate of food and some minutes of workouts isn’t a bad idea. You just have to strike a balance and stay healthy & fit.
You must have been used to your dining room and other places you set your table to eat at home. This period affords you to join many others who go out to spread the good tidings by sharing and eating foods in open places. There are places such as Fajuyi Memorial Park (Ekiti), Agodi Gardens (Oyo), Abraka Trust & Country Club (Delta) and so many places in your state of residence you can visit. There are also 30 beaches across the 36 states of Nigeria you can visit with your loved ones. Among them are La Campagne Tropicana (Lagos), Calabar Beach (Cross River), Ifoko Beach (Port Harcourt), Ndibe Sand Beach (Ebonyi) and so on.
Go Shopping
Your tight and busy schedules all year long may make it difficult to go out with your loved ones. There are several shopping malls in various cities all over the country you can go with your families and friends. There, you can get gifts to be shared with people as that is one of the core of the celebrations. It also gives you the opportunity to prepare for the New year by getting stuffs that you/your family needs to set the ball rolling for the New Year that approaches.
You can impact the lives of people this season by associating with any of the various volunteering groups in your area. There’s no better way of sharing the good tidings by providing for the less privileges. Make donations, lend your voice, and visit slums to make the life of someone better. This will go a long way in making you fulfilled and playing your part in the making the world a better place- one of the reason for the season.
Plan for the New Year
Proper preparation prevents poor performance. You just have to plan ahead to make things work for the incoming year during this Christmas period. My kinsmen always say ‘’a good Saturday is an indication for a better Sunday’’. Don’t eat with your ten fingers during the festive period and forget about the New Year. You might have tried to cut your expenses by staying at home rather than traveling, don’t forget too soon by spending beyond your means. You can also plan by reading a book that will give you more insights and add benefits to your life. Make sure you also have time to rest, this also helps to think and plan better for the task ahead.
Do have a wonderful and exciting time this Christmas period and stay out of trouble. You can let us know how you would spend the festive period in the comments section. Thanks for reading this piece.
1 Comment
Can i come to akure sir