So of late my phone of lesser than 7 months has been losing charge abnormally. From 70% without use got down to 53%. My precious phone, what could possibly be wrong?
So after several days of research and I realized that I was the one ruining my precious phone.
Here are the reasons why your phone battery would be getting damaged after some period:
The Bright Sceen
For real, I hate picking up the mobile devices of my older ones. Why? Well, because most of them have their bright screen all turned to the fullest. I understand that they are getting old and it’s hard for them to see but a bright screen is amongst the killers of batteries.
Don’t rush to turn down the brightness yet. Though, it might also be part of a problem, turning the brightness all the way down is also a big issue.
Okay, I’m guessing you might be wondering what exactly can cause problems? Both can give your phone related problems as well as medical over a period of time.
For you to know the exact level of brightness you need, it is going to take calculations of greeks. Although, this is going to get a pass, its good to monitor your mobile device to know the exact level that doesn’t harm your phone.
Overcharging Your Phone
Your phone knows when to stop charging. Smart technology stops your phone from charging after it’s full. If the battery drops back down to a certain point when it’s still plugged in, the phone knows to start charging again.
We all don’t want to see your 13th selfie, Anna. Yes, those hours spent on Facebook is also a culprit affecting your phone power. A lot of [apps], like the Facebook app, do things in the background, even when you’re not running it. The app is constantly checking for messages and status updates, and refreshing your feed in the background. Some Android users have even reported that deleting Facebook apps helped their other apps run 15 percent faster and saved 20 percent of their phones’ battery lives.
Buying A Cheaper Charger
Knockoff chargers could damage your phone’s battery. Cheaper chargers don’t necessarily have the standards in place to fill your phone constantly with the correct voltage. In a pinch, an off-brand cord probably won’t do as much damage as a knockoff of the piece that plugs into the wall or car might. But your best bet is to stick with manufacturer-certified products.