Browsing: heartbreak

The man, known as Prince Anitreasure James who is a graduate of engineering from the University of Uyo posted his requirements from his potential wife. According to James he wasn’t to get married early next year and his future wife must have experienced heartbreak before.

One of the toughest things I’ve ever had to do in my life was sit in the same car with the minister of women affairs and pretend to be a sane person; when in fact I had gone partially insane. I looked at the twitter profile of the person who posted about Abdul’s engagement and it was someone I didn’t know. I began to ponder and wonder how that person ended up on my timeline; because it was neither a retweet

It was supposed to be a perfect day, the day he was supposed to tell me he loved me and wanted to be with me; but it all went south so quickly. I woke up to a very long message from him telling me to forget about what he said earlier about the feelings he has for me. My heart went back from being a whole to a million pieces as I read the message.

As she swallowed she felt it burn her throat and stomach, the burn settled in her body and increased rapidly. Within a minute her insides were on fire and she was in indescribable pain. She struggled to reach her phone and call for help but she couldn’t move; she lay on the ground groaning with blood dripping from her mouth. The portion was poison and it was going to kill her if she let it.

“Do you have anyone to call back home… family or friend?” Mary said to Biola from across the sitting room. Biola looked up at her for a few seconds and shook her head then went back to fondling with the small bottle Madame Deloris gave to her

“Tell me you don’t love me anymore!!! Say it Greg!!! Say it to my face!!! Look into my eyes and tell me everything we had was a lie!” Biola screamed at the top of her lungs, Greg looked at her with the same cold look he had on the last time she saw him