Browsing: economy

Having identified Nigeria’s Mineral and Mining Sector prospects, the Federal Government has resolved to seal all leakages causing heavy revenue loss to the nation’s economy.

Nigeria recently released updates on the economic projections for 2021-2024 Gross Domestic Product, GDP, Expenditures, Inflation and Exchange Rates, among other areas of concern.

As Nigeria moves towards obtaining 5G Network, the National Information Technology Development Agency, NITDA, has laid out some of the new global wireless project’s capabilities.

Johnson says, “Many of us harbor secret frustrations with the holiday season. Most common is the obligation to buy gifts. It looms over us like the sword of Damocles. We dread the inevitable shopping fiasco and despise Black Friday. We hate not knowing what to get, or buying for people who already have more than they need.

We remain a consumer economy. We import everything including those we have competitive and comparative advantages, including fuels and cooking gas. Nigeria imports near 100% of its wheat and 50 -80% of all its foods including cooking oils. NIGERIA is Africa’s biggest importer of sugar and wheat.

Infrastructure is what makes nations great. Dubai was founded some thirty years ago. Today it is the most visited city on earth, upstaging London, because of its infrastructural development.

If you want to break from cycle of poverty and migrate into the rich middle class without stealing, you must break from salary earnings group and seek a money making idea you can work on. Earning salaries can make you comfortable today, but your focus should be on future sustainability.