No matter where you work, back pain is almost unavoidable. Heaving lifting, repetitive movement and siting at a desk all day can take a toll on the back.
It may be a dull achy, sharp or stabbing pain but all these can take a toll on your job. Unfortunately most jobs in Nigeria are prone to usher back ache, they can cause significant pain on the back.
- Too much force on the back
- Repetition of certain movements
- Inactivity or desk job
- Aging
- Weight
These are common factors that cause back pain
Pay Attention To Posture
When standing, balance your weight evenly on your feet. Don’t slouch. To those who work on the chair all day, choose a seat that supports spinal curves. Adjust the height of your chair so that your feet rest flat on the floor or on a footrest.
Modify repetitive tasks
Use lifts when available, to lift loads. Try to alternate physically demanding tasks with less demanding ones. position your computer, mouse and keyboard properly to avoid leaning forward or bad posture. Avoid unnecessary bending twisting and reaching.
If you must sit fora prolonged period, change your position. Try to go for long walks and try to stretch to relieve tension.
Lastly, address you back ache if the pain persists.