Big Brother Naija season 7 housemate Groovy has come under heavy attack after he posted a video talking about the scarcity of fried plantain in his area. The former Big Brother Naija star spoke thunderously on the alleged scarcity of fried plantain in the country and it did not come well to the ears of the persons who watched it.
Many got angry with the Big Brother Naija housemate as many are crying about the lack of cash he came out to talk about the scarcity of plantain. Many criticised Groovy as his comment comes like he is mocking the entire country.

One of the persons who commented said “we are talking about reclaiming our mandate and you are talking about the scarcity of fried plantain.” Another person said: “Na fried plantain be dis one problem. This life no balance ooo.” The comment that offed everyone was “Ur problem na fried plantain, beg getat.”