First black hole captured on the news finally has a name; ‘Powehi’ meaning “Embellished dark source of unending creation.”
Im sure everyone who has seen a sci-fi movie has come across black holes. Well we have finally gotten a real sight of the first black hole. The groundbreaking image was published around the world when it was unveiled on Wednesday, captivating viewers and providing the only direct visual evidence that these regions of space exist.
The responsibility of finding it a name rested on Larry Kimura, a Hawaiian language professor at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Two of the eight telescopes used to capture the photograph are located in Hawaii.
Powehi was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope, a project that connected eight telescopes around the world. The supermassive black hole and its shadow, at the center of a galaxy known as M87, were photographed back in April 2017, but the results were only revealed on Wednesday.
The telescope array collected 5,000 trillion bytes of data ver two weeks, which was processed through supercomputers so that scientists could retrive the images.
“Powehi, as a name, is so perfect,” Jessica Dempsey of James Clerk Maxwell telescope “because it provides real truths about the image of a black hole that we see”.