Browsing: Russian Attack

Former Russia captain Igor Denisov speaks against Russian president Putin as he faces death. The former Zenith St Petersburg man has become one of the

I see so many people reflexively proffer vituperative condemnation of Putin and Russia on this momentous occasion of Russian military incursion into Ukraine. On one hand, I understand the urge but on another, I see the ignorance and the huge unsaid assumptions behind this posture.

Joining the bandwagon of highly critical leaders and nations of Russia in the recent bombings on Ukrainian soil, Finland’s President, Sauli Niinistö, strongly condemned the Russian military measures, describing them as an assault not just on Ukraine, but “on the entire European security order.”

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has warned allies of Ukraine that there would be consequences if they decide to interfere in the military operation that has nothing to do with their countries.