Africa seems to the laboratory for most European countries; every new drug invented Africans seems to be the very people they can run a test on before it can go viral.
Africans Taken to be Lab Rats Judging from Record
The African continent is gradually becoming a testing ground while the inhabitants are seen as lab rats for their experiments. Coronavirus, which is shocking the world and has held the world’s medical experts to stand still has finally gotten a vaccine and guess what Africans are the people all eyes are looking at to use lab rats.
A French doctor said Africans should be used to test on the Covid-19 vaccine, which has just been discovered. Surprisingly, the Democratic Republic of Congo said their citizens should be used just because they want to receive funds putting their citizens lives on the line.
The world bank announced $47 million grants to them saying it is because of their immediate response to the pandemic not minding if lives were affected at the end of the day. According to history, they have been violations of Africans’ lives for the scientific benefits of the white westerns.
In the 19th century, an American physician credited by many for developing drugs in gynaecology did most of his explements using African slave women without any anaesthesia.

From 1814 to 1870 an African lady named Sara Baartman was exhibited as a freak show in attraction in Europe just because she has large buttocks. She was displayed in the Egyptian hall and the Piccadilly Circus on the 24th of November 1910.
The harassments continued as she was displayed in the most expensive street in London at that time. White mane and women came to she not as a human being but as an object of amusement. Her corpse was used in a unique scientific experiment, so she was not buried like every other human being.
Remember in 2007 when the Nigerian government sued Pfizer, the world’s largest drug producers and manufacturers for carrying out an illegal trial of an anti meningitis drug that killed and disabled children in the northern part of the country.
The drug was administered to 200 children, and eleven out of those children died with many left disabled. This was carried out without the Nigerian government’s approval or the local community leaders in the state (Kano).
Many of those children developed very terrible health conditions some suffered brain damage as many other others suffered paralysis of many sorts. The United State food and drug administration has granted an emergency use authorization for Covid-19 vaccines developed by the Pfizer company.

The Nigerian government sued the same company for $7 billion because of the act, and now the western world is acting like the Pfizer drug company is a perfect drug company.
The coronavirus pandemic is troubling the world, and vaccines have been made, but we fear that Africans who are seen as lab rats get the best COVID-19 vaccines?