The Computer Based Test (CBT) conducted by JAMB is one of the upgrade by the examination body. JAMB has introduced the mock exam to prepare students who are not computer literate. How to use computer system was also put up in their (JAMB) website. Despite these, students still perform woefully due to their inability to use a computer system. This is a major problem nationwide as there are a lot of failures recorded.
In the last concluded UME, an invigilator in one of the centers in Ilorin, Kwara state of Nigeria took to the internet to write about candidates’ inability to use the computer system. She pointed out that the candidates who are college graduates couldn’t type in their registration details, can’t write a simple sentence, can’t delete errors and some can’t even use the mouse to click their option. It’s a sad thing to hear that some raised up the mouse to the air thinking a miracle would occur when it malfunctioned. The invigilator wrote on her twitter page that the candidates knew some answers but their illiteracy level made it difficult for them to pick their answer. This made some to submit without writing anything.

From the invigilator’s findings, it was said that only 10 out of the 250 candidates in the center could use the computer effectively; not even a percentage of the total candidates. The 10 were said to have graduated from private schools. This shows the minority in private schools and the public schools have the majority. Our government therefore has a lot to do to raise our educational standard. It’s just a pity if a teenager couldn’t know the basics of operating a computer system in this age.
If our government doesn’t see selling of JAMB forms annually as a means of making money from her poor citizens then measures should be taken to solve this problem. Secondary schools at least should be equipped and students should be taught the practical aspect of Computer Education not just reciting Charles Babbage as the father of computer. If secondary students could learn how to operate a system from their first year, then before the end of the six years they would’ve adapted to the use of their ‘monster’; computer system.
A lot is said to be budgeted for education by the government but what is the effect if the students are still taught using the old ways in this 21st century. If schools are well equipped with learning materials including computer systems then students would be happy to learn. With this, our educational system will be on the right path and we would also have a better society.