Grammy award-nominated singer, Keri Hilson in a recent interview said that she’s not scared of COVID-19 and that it is not as how it is been portrayed.
Keri Hilson while speaking about her recent project disclosed that she had plans to go into acting. The talented singer and songwriter stated that she filmed a movie during the pandemic following her desire to do that since 2011.
Keri then talked about filming during the pandemic, she said, “We had to get tested every other time, which I hated [laughs] but it was a lot of fun.”
While most people are scared of coronavirus, she says that she was never scared of the virus. She opines that the virus is not what they tell us it is.

In her words, “I think very few people understand the virus,” she says. “I think there is then another side that they are portraying and using as a tool to do other things. That’s all I have to say [laughs]. It’s not just what I believe, it’s what is happening. The biggest lesson from it all for me has been discernment. That’s what we can learn in this ‘new world’ [smiles].”
She then added “It’s the only way to tell light from dark or deceit from reality for ourselves. We have to vibrationally be in contact with things.”
Meanwhile, the ‘Knock You Down‘ singer said she didn’t feel like releasing any music this time. She also said revealed losing his father recently.
Keri Hilson has featured in top Hollywood movies which include ‘Think Like A Man‘, ‘Riddick‘, and ‘Almost Christmas’.