Big Brother Titan housemate Miracle OP has called out Ipeleng for saving Ebubu and taking him along to the finals. According to Miracle OP, he said he thinks her reason for picking Ebubu was wrong. Ipeleng had said she thinks Ebubu is a weak contender which was why she saved him to be in the final with her.
Miracle OP reacting to it told her that, he thinks she has made a big mistake thinking Ebubu is weak just because he looks weak in the house. He said he thinks Ebubu is strong outside the house and if at all she wanted to pick someone with weakness as a reason it should have been Justin.

Many viewers share this thought and idea as they now suspect Miracle OP has a phone in the house which he uses to monitor the activities of the viewers to know what they are saying. Someone commenting on it said Miracle should bring out the phone he is using in the house because he just burst their bubble.