After the fight between head of house Chichi and Bella Sheggz engaged Chichi in a conversation which resulted in another fight. Sheggz told her that he has been nice to her and so she should be nice to him too by respecting his woman Bella.
Chichi did not accept the whole thing from him but Sheggz only tried to stand for his girl. Later that same night he engaged Bella in a conversation and tried to correct her on the way she talk and relate to people but she did not accept it.
BBNaija Season 7: Why Sheggz Raised His Voice at Bella
This made him mad as he raised his voice to her saying, he will not take that from her, he said she should not try that with him. Bella got angry and left the bedroom but he followed her and told her that she is rude to everybody and everyone knows it.

Bella then said she is sorry but he said she is not sorry and that she is just trying to shut him up. It is clear he is getting more and more tired of the work he needs to put in to make Bella the perfect person he wants for himself.
All the fights and arguments he has had in the house is because of her and it is just in a space of 20 plus people what if they step out of the show when they will have millions of people.