There are numerous ways to get glowing skin without skincare products. While growing up, I never really understood my body or, most of all, my skin. It’s sad, but I remember having minor breakouts when I hit puberty. As I grew older, the breakouts became worse; I had clogged pores and painful pimples. Sometimes I wish I knew what I know now, minor changes I would have made to my diet and hygiene.
After years of research and understanding my body, I understood what works and doesn’t work for my skin and body. Everybody, no matter their skin type, ought to know what particular ingredient is their holy grail. Skincare might seem expensive, but with this article, I want to tell you that you don’t necessarily need to have all the money in the world to have glowing skin; there are simple habits we need to change. These are habits I also had to work on.
Ways To Get Glowing Skin
Drink More Water
Researchers have proven that staying hydrated helps with so many health issues, including skin problems. Consuming water keeps your entire body hydrated and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. People who drink enough water rarely have scarring, wrinkles or acne. It is said that we are expected to drink at least 3 litres of water a day. Water also slows down ageing.
Change Your Diets
It would help if you start changing your diet to foods rich in fruits and vegetables; this will boost the vitamins and antioxidants in your body. Scientists have established that eating healthy fats, like fish oils helps the body and skin. You should also try as much as possible to stay away from processed foods that contain lots of preservatives. Changing your diet would give you healthier-looking skin; as the saying goes, “we are what we eat”.

I cannot overemphasise the importance of exercising; it is proven that exercise helps with the entire body’s general well-being, including the skin. Cardio stimulates blood flow which in turn makes your skin glow. It also makes you stronger, and it’s good for the body. You would see results immediately and subsequently.
Improve Your Hygiene
There are some essential daily-life hacks I use to prevent breakouts before they happen. I make sure to change out my pillowcase every three days. By washing your pillowcase regularly, you eliminate bacteria from the pillowcase and stop your skin from erupting overnight. Endeavour to keep your hands off your face. It’s hard; trust me, I fight the urge to touch my face and fail sometimes. The oils on our hands can cause breakouts, and we don’t know where our hands have been. Our hands are carriers of germs.
Bacteria can’t thrive on a clean surface, so dermatologists advise we wash our faces at least twice a day and substitute our cotton towels with paper towels
Do Not Pick At Your Pimples
You must remember and fight the urge to pop or pick at your pimple. Popping acne or pimple could cause further infections, which could, in turn, causes scarring.
Use Sunscreen
All your efforts to get healthy skin would be useless if you don’t use sunscreen. I cannot emphasise how important it is to protect your skin from the sun; the sun damages the skin, sunlight contains UV light which can cause skin problems like; skin cancer, acne, sunburns, and wrinkles.
One of the most important things to do before striving for healthy skin is a better understanding of your skin and body. Do you have oily, dry or combination skin? A better understanding of your entire body takes you a step closer to solving any problem that arises.