Popular Nigerian skit maker, Nasboi has come out to call out those claiming actor Hanks Anuku is okay physically and mentally after he saw the actor in a recent meeting in Asaba, Delta state capital. The Nigerian actor Hanks Anuku was spotted roaming the streets some time ago and his colleague Shan George came out to claim he is only acting.
Nasboi Says Hank Anuku Needs Help
Fans expressed concern about his mental health but because his colleague Shan George had come out to say he is fine people did not push to know more about him again. But recently skit maker Nasboi has come out to question the actress who said that they were in a movie set in Asaba.
Nasboi shared a video from their meeting, and in the video, he said he saw Hanks Anuku roaming the streets of Asaba looking so helpless. The skitmaker ended up giving the actor money as he thanked him for making his childhood fun.