Coronavirus is arguably the most dangerous disease of the century with over 2.6 million people infected, and more than a hundred and eighty- six already lost to it.
A bit over seven hundred and thirty-one people have been able to succeed in conquering the virus; meanwhile the rest of the world is sleeping and waking with the fear of contracting it.
This particular type of Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has made it to the point of getting the attention of the whole world. According to research, Coronaviruses get their names from the crown-like spikes on their surface. These Coronaviruses have about four sub-groups which are alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.
There are several viruses that can affect humans, but there are about seven common Coronaviruses that affect human beings.
Some human Coronaviruses
- MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
- SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
- SARS-CoV-2 (this is the current type of Coronavirus ravaging the world also called COVID-19)
Many people around the world are not worried about these grouping the appearance of the source of the name Coronavirus but are concerned about whatever changes they feel in their bodies, similar to those experienced by a victim of COVID-19.
According to medical practitioners fever, dry cough, shortness of d breathe, and in some victims, pneumonia is some symptoms of this particular type of Coronavirus. Despite the explanations made so far about the symptoms victims of COVID-19 might have a lot of people are still getting it wrong.
Many have now turned to an emergency doctor, diagnosing themselves of Coronavirus at any slightest increase in their body temperature, mild cough or an ailment with the same symptoms of Coronavirus. They say to themselves, “ with this temperature, and cough, I must have Coronavirus.” Nothing kills like the fear of the unknown.
The fact that there is no cure nor approved vaccine for this COVID-19 makes everyone tremble at the mention of it. Only supportive treatments which help in managing the symptoms and complications that may come from contracting COVID-19 have been used to aid the over seven hundred and thirty-one recoveries recorded so far.
The few success stories compared to the deaths and current active cases have not been capable of allaying the fears attached to the dreaded virus.
If anyone has a rash on any part of the body, the next suspect is COVID-19, even a simple dash of foot against stone can be suspected to be caused by the famous COVID-19.
Though there have been reports of nausea, diarrhoea or vomiting from victims of the virus, a lot of health challenges COVID-19 get blamed for are being unfair to it.
As concerted efforts continue towards fighting and winning the virus, let us all continue to be on the lookout for ourselves and neighbours, report any symptoms associated with contracting COVID-19, but most importantly, avoid getting it through personal hygiene, social distancing, the appropriate wearing of the face mask where and when necessary, hand washing, sanitising among many others.
But remember that you do not have COVID-19 until clinically confirmed, through proper laboratory test and monitoring.