Popular supermarket in Abuja, Next cash and carry were on fire yesterday, 26th December 2021. Nigerians have been wondering what could have caused the fire outbreak, while a few others suspected it might be foul play.
After many questions on what could have resulted in the fire outbreak, a video on how it started has surfaced on the internet, and as it is seen, the fire started from a small section in the supermarket before spreading.
Thankfully, there were no workers or customers in the supermarket at the time of the fire outbreak.
Contrary to the video circulating about some residents looting, there has been another video to counter the claims. It was affirmed that the residents were not looting but helping to retrieve some goods.
The residents who risked their lives to save some properties from the fire outbreak have been commended for their patriotic act by fellow Nigerians.
How Fire Started Inside Next Cash and Carry Supermarket (Video)
Watch the video below on how the fire started at the Next cash and carry supermarket.