Renowned Nollywood Actor, Emeka Ike, recently sat down with Hero Daniels on Channels Television’s “Rubbin’ Minds” to discuss the challenges he faced during a prolonged period of depression. In an honest and open interview, Ike revealed that both marital problems and conflicts within the Nollywood industry contributed to his battle with depression.
The veteran actor’s marriage officially ended in 2015, following allegations of constant battery and subsequent dissolution by a Lagos Island Customary Court. Ike admitted that the shame associated with his struggles played a significant role in his decision to retreat from the public eye.
Ike also shed light on how the transition from VCD to larger screens in the film industry affected the demand for his skills. He explained that the exclusion of certain actors, including himself, during this transition resulted in reduced involvement in movie projects.
While on hiatus, Ike faced not only professional challenges but also threats to his life from unknown sources. He recounted receiving threats from assassins and gunmen without any apparent reason, further complicating an already troubled period in his life.
However, Emeka Ike has since made a triumphant comeback, breaking his silence and resuming his acting career. He emphasized the importance of self-improvement and perseverance in overcoming challenging experiences, stating, “I just kept doing the things I needed to do properly. I kept working on myself to be who I am now.”
Ike is now set to star in the upcoming movie ‘Malaika,’ led by Toyin Abraham, signifying his return to the industry after overcoming personal and professional obstacles.