Dubai Police officers have shared a video to explain how they arrested Instagram celebrity, Raymond Abbas, also known as Hushpuppi and his gang.
The officers revealed that Hushpuppi’s principal scam was to create websites that looked identical to well-known companies and banks.
Dubai Police CID chief Brig Jamal Al Jalaf disclosed that the gang had over eleven thousand fraud files as well as addresses of more than 1.92 million victims.
Aside from Hushpuppi, six police SWAT teams also arrested Olalekan Jacob Ponle, popularly known as Woodberry alongside with ten other men.
Thirteen luxury cars, valued at an estimated Dh25m ($6.8m) were recovered from them as police confiscated 21 computers and 47 smartphones.
Dubai Police
According to the video which has gone viral, 40.9m, dollars and more than a dozen luxury cars were seized from Hushpuppi and his accomplices who were accused of using emails to lure people to log in or make payments on the fake sites.
It was gathered that Huhspuppi and his gang hacked corporate emails and directed huge payments by companies towards accounts they controlled.
Though Hushpuppi posed as a real estate investor and businessman, his account shows a lavish display of wealth on Instagram where he has over two million followers.
However, before his arrest, Huspuppi was wanted for fraud in Europe, the United State of America, USA and Nigeria.