Coronavirus Can Be Airborne Through Aerosolized Droplets. Research has shown that coronavirus is possibly airborne and can be spread by just talking and sneezing. According to Fineberg, Chair of the NAS’ Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century health Threats, “While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing,”. This, he stated in a letter sent to the White House recently.
Fineberg expressed his reasons for wearing his mask even to a grocery store saying, “”I’m not going to wear a surgical mask, because clinicians need those. But I have a nice western-style bandana I might wear. Or I have a balaclava. I have some pretty nice options.” He therefore infers that coronavirus can be airborne through aerosolized droplets
Coronavirus Can Be Airborne Through Aerosolized Droplets
Another member of the White House’s coronavirus task, Dr. Anthony fauci, while speaking to coresspondents from CNN said that the idea of recommending broad use of masks in the US to prevent the spread of coronavirus is under “very active discussion” by the group.
It will be good to note that the letter sent by Fineberg to the White House recently is in response to a query from Kelvin Droegemeier with the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House.

Fineberg says, “”This letter responds to your question concerning the possibility that [coronavirus] could be spread by conversation, in addition to sneeze/cough-induced droplets. He continues, “Currently available research supports the possibility that the virus could be spread via bioaerosols generated directly by patients’ exhalation,”
Coronavirus Can Be Airborne Through Aerosolized Droplets
It is already established according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that the virus spreads from person to person with 6 feet from each other. It could be through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs.
Fineberg confirmed to CNN that the research done by a Chinese Hospital shows the virus can be suspended in the air for some time. He said that the aerosolized droplets produced by talking or breathing can also spread the coronavirus.
However, he noted that the duration of the virus in the air depends on several factors. One of them is the amount of air in circulation. Another could be the quantity of virus released by an infected person when talking, sneezing or coughing.
“If you generate an aerosol of the virus with no circulation in a room, it’s conceivable that if you walk through later, you could inhale the virus,” Fineberg said. “But if you’re outside, the breeze will likely disperse it.” Coronavirus Can Be Airborne Through Aerosolized Droplets