It was a very beautiful lounge, the lights were mostly deep blue, and gave the orange chairs a unique colour. Biola sat in a very private corner by the bar sipping on a glass of bloody mary, privacy was a huge thing for her; she didn’t care for the attention she got for her looks but she could handle it although going incognito would be best. It was her third drink when she received a call from Efe to ask her if she wanted a TV and a phone in her room since she was doing a minor redecoration “no and yes” she responded sharply and was off the phone and back to thinking about what to do with Chief.
It was starting to appear like he was getting desperate, he called her more than thirty times a day and used all the lines in his powerful playboy playbook to seduce her but Biola rejected him without remorse and now that she was moving in with Efe she needed a permanent way out of this; the fact that she wasn’t able to reject Efe again because of her father meant that she really liked the girl and she wanted her to be happy
“What to do… what to do” she muttered “excuse me” a man’s voice caught her attention, it was the guy she ran away from at Efe’s parents party “wow it’s really a small world” he didn’t hide his excitement as she didn’t hide her irritation “remember me, from the other night at…” “Yes I do” “so what brings you to Dubai?” he was adamant about getting to know her “tomorrow is my birthday so here I am” “alone?” his excitement increased as Biola’s irritation increased but he didn’t care
“I am John, what’s your name?” “Biola” He started looking at her face more carefully this time and realized that they had worked together in the bank. It was the beginning of a pleasant conversation Biola did not expect, they ended the night together and planned to meet up the next day which was Biola’s birthday.
Two weeks later and Efe was settling in well, whenever she went for her morning jog her neighbours will also jog and it was nice to see people around that early in the morning plus her Lagos friends and acquaintances didn’t know she was ill; so it was easy for her to reconnect with them and start having a social life, she had prepared a believable story to tell them when they ask why she disappeared.
“Shoot! Shoot!” Biola quickly hid under the table; Biola, Efe and two other Ladies were at a bar in Victoria Island having drinks when she saw John walk through the entrance. “What the hell is wrong with you? You are embarrassing me” Efe whispered to Biola “tell your friends that I am hiding from a woman beater, I’m sure that they‘ll understand” Biola was ready to remain under that table all night
“OMG! He hit you?!” Efe showed concern “no he didn’t” “Biola?!” “Leave me alone, it’s my party and I can stay here if I want to” Biola waved Efe away. When Biola came back from Dubai, Efe offered to take her out since she missed her birthday, so she invited two of her former secondary schoolmates Cynthia and Ele to join them.
True to it Biola remained under the table until John left then she came out. “You know you owe us a story” Ele said to Biola while she gulped her drink, they looked at her waiting for the story. On Biola’s birthday she didn’t want to meet up with John, all she wanted was time with herself while exploring the city but he didn’t let her be; he called her a thousand times just like Chief and it got really annoying so she promised him dinner.
While they had dinner he proposed that they go to a club after dinner and refused to back down as Biola politely decline so she agreed, as they partied in the club he started suggesting that they retire to his hotel room; Biola saw it coming so she agreed, it was a great club with amazing music.
Biola had a lot of fun and mingled with a couple of European girls whose table was next to theirs, an hour before they left the club she drugged him; she put a date rape drug in his drink and that was it he didn’t remember all the things that happened after.
He woke up the next afternoon alone in his room and Biola was nowhere to be found, he called her but she had blocked his number. “Damn! Biola you are wicked” Ele looked very impressed while Efe took note she didn’t know whether to be afraid of her or to be impressed.
“So you worked in a micro finance bank for seven months, why did you resign?” the only woman on the interview panel asked “I was moving” Biola responded, she was at a job interview. She called Seyi when she came back from Dubai and they hung out at the country club in Ikoyi, Seyi was a member and he offered to sponsor her to be a member but she declined.
What she did not decline where job interviews he set up for her in about four banks, he was a wealthy Lagosian with friends in high places who owed him in fact he was a board member in one of the biggest banks in Nigeria but he wanted a very serious relationship with Biola and he didn’t want her working in a place where he was very known.
During the interview the three men on the interview panel were gobsmacked by her beauty that they were unable to speak leaving only the lady on the panel to ask the questions, one of the men finally gained consciousness and asked one question
“Are you a Nigerian?” he smiled like a little boy in a candy store “yes I am, my mum was igbo and my dad was yoruba from Lagos in fact” she silently prayed that they wouldn’t ask about her childhood or parents “oh so you are a Lagosian?” another man also gained consciousness, she smiled and nodded.
The other three interviews were even worse in the sense that the members of the panel were all carried away admiring her beauty and ended up asking her unprofessional to stupid questions like “what mascara do you wear?” or “are you an Angel”.
Biola managed to hide her irritation and smiled all through the the interviews while watching them scan her from her face to her waist, the only thing left for them to do was tell her to stand up and turn around in order for them to admire her entire body.
She called Seyi after her last interview “how did it go?” “It was fine, there all went well” “I hope none of them gave you a tough time” “no… easy as pie” she didn’t see the need to give him details besides she didn’t want him to think that she was complaining. “I ll see you later yes?” “Okay”.
Biola and Efe were in the sitting room watching the television when someone came knocking on their door. They exchanged looks asking each other to get the door, they sat down until the knock got more intense “what if I wasn’t here?” Efe asked as she got up and headed towards the door; she opened the door and it was John.
John came looking for her in Lagos, he wanted to know what happened the last time he saw Biola; his curiosity was getting the best of him both at work and at home with his girlfriend, he found himself calling his girlfriend Biola and the last time it happened a huge fight ensued between them so he just decided to find her and ask her what happened.
“What are you doing here?” the food froze in Biola’s mouth, when he was done telling Biola what brought him to her house she laughed very hard “so what? You think I molested you?” “I don’t know but I think you drugged me… so… why?” “why what?” “why did you drug me?” he asked as if Biola killed someone he cared about, she looked at him trying to maintain a straight face.
She thought about denying it but she threw her hands up in the air and answered honestly “no reason I just wanted to see what it would be like to have a threesome with an incoherent man” “what! You had a threesome with me?” he didn’t know if he was upset or found her more interesting. John looked for her because he wanted to see her again but he used being drugged as an excuse for finding her again and he didn’t tell himself the truth.
As John and Biola discussed about all the happenings in Dubai Efe sat there eavesdropping. John was a very adamant person, it was very hard for him to take no for an answer but this time Biola was determined to decline his proposal for dinner the next day “it’s this your annoying attitude that made me drug you” “really?!… okay… then let’s have dinner as an apology for drugging me”
“My god!! you are impossible, I am not apologising to you” Biola was frustrated “I am not going anywhere with you … look the next time I drug you, you won’t wake up again” Biola looked like she meant it and John felt fear creep down his spine then he left, after all the fear of death was enough for him to take no for an answer.
Biola was exhausted when John left so she retired early, about two hours after crawling into bed there was a knock on her door, at first she didn’t want to respond but the knocker persisted “go away I’m sleeping she shouted” assuming it was Efe and expecting her to say whatever she wanted through the door but the knocker said nothing and kept knocking until she dragged herself from the bed and opened the door it was Efe’s father Chief.
Biola’s eyes shone with disbelief “of course you came” she expected him to pay them a visit but he came sooner than she thought, Chief moved her hand away from the door frame entered the room and shut the door “who is the guy that just left?” Chief was very authoritative when he wanted to get answers out of someone and the beautiful Senegalese caftan he wore made him look as powerful but Biola was not afraid
“He is none of your business” she responded wishing that she ignored the knock “is he the one that took you to Dubai?” a smirk appeared on his face as he walked slowly around the room looking around as if he hadn’t seen it before “look Chief, you have to leave now…” he grabbed her and threw her on the bed, his strength took her unawares and before she could say more words he was on top of her, she struggled to push him off but he had the strength of a man in his twenties
“Efe is in the next room and she will hear me when I scream” the eyes of death suddenly took the place of her eyeballs “she is medicated and very much asleep so if you know what is good for you be quiet and cooperate, it will be over before you know it” Chief’s trousers was already down and his hands in her night dress.
His first thrust brought out a painful groan from her mouth, instead of struggling or fighting him off she cooperated, she was quiet and unconsciously relaxed as Chief had his way with her; when he was done Biola laid there like a porcelain staring at the ceiling while he got dressed, she wasn’t really aware of the things happening around her and didn’t even hear anything he said but she was aware of the time Efe opened the door to see her father half-dressed and banged the door after her.