The personalities of Khosi and Kanaga Jnr made it obvious that they were the competition and they ended up being the last two. The narrative that has been pushed out since someone emerged winner is that of a biased production team.
Fans have concluded that KJ was treated unfairly and was on the far end of the favouritism hand that Khosi was dealing with. “He wasn’t given enough screentime” is the chant from fans.
They have concluded that the love Khosi has was because of the amount of time viewers got to experience her on their screen. This reasoning is flawed and one would expect KJ to correct this narrative of his fans.

To belittle another person’s win because a fave didn’t win is not the right attitude to display. Kanaga Jnr in response to all he has heard from fans made a post that has left so many unhappy.
He commented about the screen time he received and said it doesn’t matter. The post hinted at him believing the rumours. Some fans have concluded he is joining the public to discard Khosi’s win as a product of favouritism rather than the hard work of fans she gained cause of her admirable personality.

The right thing would have been to ignore all the noise and showcase solidarity with his fellow ex-housemates. This is the time to tell his fans to back off Khosi because they are friends. He posted about screentime but not about the necessity of respecting the winner’s victory.