The ‘Crosskay’ ship seems to be sailing healthily from what we have observed so far and the fans could not be more excited but it seems the show of love from Cross to Saskay and vice versa has not been clear enough between them.
The conversation started earlier with Cross telling Saskay that she has multiple mood swings which makes her difficult to read. Hours later, they were situated in the closet area discussing love languages and third parties. Cross was of the opinion that Saskay was not giving him a chance whereas the lady believed she was.
She also made it a point to note that Cross should not expect her to show emotions when he was not giving her anything to work with. According to her, the flow from Cross to Saskay is not seamless.

Talking further, Cross said he is not the most emotional person but he has shown Saskay how much he cares by giving her foot massages and making her breakfast (just twice in a whole month. lol!). He complained about her spending so much time with Sammie and Jay Paul.
His main concern was the Sakay was sleeping in their beds and touching them in a non-invasive way. When she countered, he said,
‘You are always touching Jay Paul and Sammie. You touch me sometimes but you touch Jay Paul differently. it’s not the same way you touch me and Sammie and you said Sammie is your brother so am I your brother too?’
The conversation ended with both of them causing each other of being more flirtatious or ‘badder’ than the other. Will they ever get over this?