The twist in the ongoing BBNaija season 7 show has continued as Biggie has introduced two new housemates to the show. The two new housemates were introduced separately and they were shared in the two houses respectively.
BBNaija Season 7: Meet the Two New Fake Housemates
The first to be introduced is a male. His name is Deji and he is from Lagos state Nigeria. The second housemate is a female and her name is Modella. She is from Osun state Nigeria.
While Modella was introduced to the level 2 house Deji is introduced to the level 1 house. Bigie pulled a huge stunt with the housemate this time as they all thought they will be eviction today but they was not.
The other stunt is the fact that the two housemates are fake housemtes. With the tap new housemate coming as fake housemates it will put more ginger and fun to the ongoing BBNaija season 7 show.