In a groundbreaking move, former Big Brother Naija, BBNaija Winner, Phyna, is gearing up to make waves in Nollywood as she joins the cast of the highly anticipated sequel to the iconic movie “ISSAKABA.” This development marks Phyna’s foray into the world of acting, and fans are buzzing with excitement to see the reality TV star transition to the big screen.
The sequel, set to continue the legacy of the original “ISSAKABA,” promises to deliver gripping storytelling, intense action sequences, and a stellar ensemble cast. Phyna’s involvement adds a fresh dynamic to the project, as fans eagerly anticipate how she will navigate the challenges of a role in a high-profile Nollywood production.
Known for captivating audiences during her time in the BBNaija house, Phyna’s charisma and versatility are expected to shine through in the movie. As preparations for filming are underway, the production team and fans alike are optimistic that Phyna’s performance will leave an indelible mark on the sequel, further solidifying her presence in the entertainment industry.
The announcement of Phyna’s role in “ISSAKABA” has ignited a wave of anticipation, making this upcoming Nollywood release a must-watch for fans of both the reality TV star and the iconic film franchise.