The internet is abuzz with Phyna’s latest situation. It is undeniable that our actions have consequences, this is especially true when you are a reality TV star whose life seems to always be on query by a panel of online judges.
Since her first day on the show, she has been labelled as razz, street and everything synonymous with savage. The stereotype was one that came with certain people expecting her to not go far in achieving success because of her temperament.
It is a known quote that the violent taketh by force. Phyna seems to be taking her blessings despite all the accusation of being classless and razz. All her razz actions from the beginning of the show has resulted in multiple wins for her.

First she receives love from who she showed love to, wins the show and has come out to have multiple wins outside.
Phyna’s nature has rewarded her with such achievement as, a house, 10 plots of land, being brand ambassador for Rixari skin secrets, buying her dad a car, winning the AMV award, financing her mum’s sugery amongst others.
She exposed her recent win to the public, she has bought herself a Benz. This came with so many congratulations. It is such a huge win that despite all the labelling she keeps achieving success in her little way.