A Political Analyst, Oriyomi Abiodun, gave his opinion that in 2015, when the incumbent president came on board, “The comments of some of my Igbo friends still resonate in my head, with all their assertions that the Yorubas betrayed the South by supporting President Muhammadu Buhari to clinched the power.
“As the intrigues and permutations of 2023 unfold, who will they blame for impending political calamity this time around? As they could not provide a consensus and formidable aspirants (both in the opposition PDP and the ruling APC) to start with, even the one some people thought could pull weight withdrew barely 72 hrs to PDP presidential primaries.
“Now, if all the feelers we are getting eventually becomes true and GEJ, the Man whose God has blessed but chose to dine with some gods, is unanimously handpicked to fly the presidential flag of the ruling, what becomes of Igbos Presidential ambition?” He asked.
He further explained that for the Igbos, “This is a song they have been singing since 2011 and after shooting themselves in the leg, they turn around to blame others.
Similarly, he’s fellow Analyst, Mr. Felix Adebayo replied, saying, “Dearest brother, apparently they have missed out on this opportunity once again because I don’t see any of the two major parties fielding a candidate of eastern extraction as their presidential flag bearer at this juncture.”