Popular Nollywood actor Hank Anuko was rumoured to be running mad after he was seen in the street wearing rags. Many took to Twitter to lament over the fall of the actor, some people likened it to the effect of hard drugs claiming the actor is into hard drugs.
Hank Anuku is Not Mad Shan George Clears Air
Meanwhile, a source has come out to debunk the rumour saying nothing is wrong with him and that he is working on a new movie role. This was made known by Shan George who is on the same set as him. The news of the actor’s mental state is really troubling and it is a lot of relief for his fans to know it is only but a movie role he is on.
Many Nollywood actors and actress has suffered things like this and ended up not getting any help at all at the end of the day so to know that he is fine good news. Hank Anuku is known for his criminality roles in movies.
He is mostly in gang star movies and almost every Nollywood lover will be sad if he ran mad just as the videos online portrayed.