We assured our readers that there would be a write up on selling computer accessories after our initial topic on ‘why you should try selling phone accessories.’
This piece hopes to provide you with five ways through which a prospective business owner could rip the proceeds from a trade that cost less to start when compared to selling the actual computers.
In business, someone who manages to provide unfailing services to meet customers’ demands is likely to stay afloat for as long as he/she wishes under the circumstances.
5 Ways Computer Accessories Can Improve Your Income
The idea behind commencing this business is not farfetched from the methods employed to starting a phone accessories business.
Experts in the advertising industry have advised that small business owners should never undervalue the effectiveness of individually creating awareness for affiliate products that may not be as huge as the main product itself.
The wisdom here is to endeavour to carry out interpersonal communication with those closest people to you. Attempt looking at your family as your first customers, then extend the product message to your friends who may purchase because they do not intend to discourage your efforts.
Again, the advantages surrounding the use of the world wide web, social media and other similar forms of promotions like telemarketing (is a method of direct marketing in which a salesperson solicits prospective customers to buy products or services, either over the phone or through a subsequent face to face or web conferencing appointment scheduled during the call) which virtually comprise the entire mouth-to-ear form of advertising products initially discussed.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, among others., can broadly and positively influence the reach of your business, as they all possess the advantage to speak to customers directly with the support of texts, pictures, videos, emojis to hold attention and create a dealer-client relationship. Social media platforms are an excellent strategy to promote the business of computer accessories.
In business, stagnancy in coming up with concepts and innovations to promote your product will lead to immediate collapse. Just as we discussed in the previously written piece on selling phone accessories, unlike the phone business, a computer requires a particular skill that demands that a retail person know how to operate computers with a high level of expertise and understand its engineering.
A computer accessories dealer should know the system’s inner and outer working and requirements because customers can be very impatient with someone who has less or no knowledge of what spare parts he/she is selling. Of course, the next thing to do is to patronise a more experienced business rival which translates to a significant loss in your register.

But there is a solution to every problem. In this case, all you need to do to keep your customers is strive and ensure you partake in a bit of training that would equip you with the technical know-how in areas that may require attaching a complimentary computer accessory for your client. This craft makes more sense if you further develop yourself into becoming an attractive salesperson (attractive in this context doesn’t mean a beautiful person, but someone with a good and approachable character, one that is customer-friendly).
The profit margin for this business is encouraging. By the end of a month’s transaction, a committed dealer will realise more than some civil servants earn. Proceeds in a day may vary from N3,000 to N5000. Once estimated in a month, the total sum is N90,000 or N150,000, respectively.
Also, while it may not seem sincere, the customers patronising you as a dealer in Computer parts hardly have any idea regarding the price of the commodities unless the inquire from you. Hpwever, this is an opportunity to make profit, as the buyer also reserves the right to haggle the cost of the accessory with you before paying.
Now, who says this is not a lucrative business that will indeed shoot up your monthly income once you show commitment.