Renowned media personality, Noble Igwe, finds himself puzzled by Yul Edochie’s unexpected shift from the realm of real estate to his newfound role as a minister in a church.
In a surprising announcement, Yul unveiled “The Salvation Ministry,” his online platform dedicated to spreading the gospel.
As Noble reflects on Yul’s multifaceted career, he voices scepticism about this swift transition, deeming it “a bit off” for someone to pivot from real estate to leading a church ministry virtually overnight.
Yul Edochie, however, has been vocal about a profound calling to ministry that has guided his recent endeavours. The actor-turned-minister appears committed to using his online presence to share the divine message.
Despite the initial bewilderment surrounding this unconventional career shift, Yul seems determined to follow his calling and contribute to the spiritual landscape through The Salvation Ministry.
Only time will reveal the true extent of this unexpected journey from real estate to virtual pulpit for Yul Edochie, as he embarks on this unique intersection of business and spirituality.