Nigerians on Social media users have attacked the Titan Queen Tacha massively on social media. The Big Brother Naija star has been ridiculed for a mistake she made during a live video she made on instagram for the “Wash your hand” challenge.
Queen Tacha took her IG to share a video of her engaging in the “wash your hand” challenge demonstrating how to properly wash your hands to prevent the Coronavirus infection.
Whilst successfully demonstrating and explaining to fans how to stay off the COVID-19, she wrongly pronounced Coronavirus as ‘Conoravirus’. This is probably a mistake we all make in our daily endeavours.
“Hey guys, I’m proud to say that I’ll be participating in the ‘wash your hand challenge’. So yeah, I know this is the ‘conora’ virus period and everybody just have to stay safe…” she said.
Queen Tacha
This wasn’t taken lightly by social media users as some blasted her for making such an error whilst others pardoned her because it is a normal slip of the tongue.
Regardless of the trolls, some Titans lauded her over amazing beauty even without make-up.
Tacha Trolled For Pronouncing Coronavirus Wrongly (VIDEO)
Watch the video below:
Simply Tacha gets dragged by haters for Pronouncing coronavirus wrongly— SOWA Dangbele (@sowamusic_) March 19, 2020
See reactions below: