Nigerian is a country which is going through the roughest patch in the history of rough patches.
Security for a long time has been a challenge to the well-being of the citizens of country. Universities often do their best to offer a safe a conducive learning environment for students. Deploying countless of security personnel who try everything in their power to ensure the university students are safe, both within the campus and outside.
How To Tell If Someone Is Following You;
If you’re ever walking down a road and then you get the suspicion that someone is tailing you. Take four right turns; It forms a perfect circle, if you sense that they’re still behind. Yup! You guessed it, you are being followed my friend. That might be a good time to quickly make your way to a public place. Seek shelter by a nearest shop owner, if they’re willing the accommodate you. Another solution could be to strategically take out that cellphone and make that call to the police or the avengers
Fake Wallet;
Have you ever been mugged? Well, me neither, but i know a guy whose cousin has been mugged. It was not a pleasant experience, I tell you. The problem with mugging victims is that they always want to defend their property. Whether it’s the bundle of money you just withdrew from the ATM or their precious iPhone.
One way to minimize damage/expense caused by a mugger; Always make sure you carry around a dummy/decoy wallet stacked with expired ID cards and ATM cards. In the advent of a mugging or a stick up. This wallet needs to look authentic and very convincing also the your decoy cash shouldn’t be too small so the mugger doesn’t get suspicious. Likewise, the “muggee” shouldn’t add an amount that will cause them financial strain. Make sure you hide your real wallet in a place where it is not easily seen.
Dog’s Attack;
When I’m leaving campus either late at night or dawn, my greatest fear is always being attacked by dogs. 8 years after almost getting my arm severed by dog (don’t blame me if i still haven’t gotten rid of my cynophobia). If you ever come face to with an aggressive dog, don’t make any sudden movements by trying to run away because you may learn the hard way; you’re not faster than a dog.
If a dog lunges at you, it is best to stay motionless on the floor, if possible use an item or a clothing as a shield. Items such as a jacket or a school bag could serve as a great shield to protect you against the dog bite. If you’re somehow knocked off your feet, curl yourself into a ball , clench your firsts and use them to protect your ears and your neck from the attack. Throw something at the opposite direction. There’s a chance that they dog may loose interest in you the divert its attention towards that new “chew toy”.
If you sustain injuries from these attacks , you must visit a hospital immediately in order to receive antibiotics to reduce the risk of developing an infection. Although, first aid treatments include pressing the wound. Get out as much bacteria as possible by washing the bite with water, clean it with a clothe or bandage. Apply antibiotic cream, wrap the wound in a bandage making sure you change it as prescribed by the doctor and finally monitor the bite for infections.