Agbo, a native herbal medicine prepared to deal with various sicknesses and prepared mainly by the Yoruba traditional medicine experts who dole out dosages they believe would solve the problem.
Kidney failure, on the other hand, is one medical challenge that is still on the increase despite health tips on ways to avoid the ailment.
But this written piece intends to inform its readers of how to drink your Agbo in a prescribed manner that would later have no damage to your health or vital body organs.
What inspired this article was a tweet on Monday 04, 2022, by a medical doctor with the Twitter name, The_Bearded_Dr_Sina, and handle, @the_beardedsina, who said, I quote, “Already a new day Monday morning and I already have 6 patients admitted over the weekend for kidney failure who will be needing Dialysis (almost throughout their entire life) except they can afford kidney transplants.
“All of them drink Agbo.
“We need to start a war against Agbo.”
The reality of his post is undoubtedly true. It shows that people who drink herbal medicine daily should stop or seek a piece of advice from medical professionals in case they are finding it hard to leave the habit.
While the good Doctor might turn out to be about a hundred per cent correct in his diagnosis about the number of people affected by unprescribed dosages of the African Trado-Medicines and Practices, the harmful effects, amongst other discouraging factors, there are, yet, other individuals in reality that have lived beyond the years considered to be the golden ages and they regulate their consumption of Agbo.
The genuine risk of regularly consuming the African Traditional Medication is there are no scientifically proven dosages or measurements aside from those built from acquired regulate knowledge gotten from our forefathers or ancestors.

Secret to Consuming Chemically Concentrated Agbo is Never to:
- Overuse
- Underuse (Safe)
- Misuse
- Abuse
While the best means to take your dosage of the healing medicines are to:
- Moderate
- Regulate
- Follow Prescription
- Abstain
While this piece of advice should be taken seriously is the point that to consume herbal medicines, there are only a few licensed labs in Nigeria to tell whether the traditional drugs submitted for clearance are okay for consumption.
The Government is overwhelmed by the daily submissions of herbs, plants, tree barks and leaves, among other recommendations, all awaiting practice certification and licences to multi-produce for distribution across the country.
In the real sense, Government, through channels like the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration, NAFDAC, Pharmacists Council of Nigeria, PCN, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research & Development, NIPRD, Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria, ICCON etc. has specific duties. Some mentioned above are in charge of testing the herbal drugs to find out which are okay for consumption and the ones that should be thrown away.
Areas of this discussion that point to the correctness of the Bearded Doctor, who suggested a protest against Agbo drink consumption and narrated how patients have been turning up in their numbers for medical attention and treatment for kidney failures, is the fact that the intake of African Trado-Practices and their measurement (Dosage) are acquired through “Skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to various cultures that are used to maintain health, also, to prevent, diagnose, improve, or treat physical and mental ailments.” This is according to the GlobalHistoryDialogue.
With all said and done, it still depends on an individual’s personal decision whether they, choose to completely stop taking Agbo to avoid kidney failure or continue but limit the level it is consumed on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Once again, the advice would be to control anything that concerns medicine, whether the white man’s drugs or the local Agbo, ensure it is not Overused, Misused, Abused, and that your intake is Moderated, Regulated, or Prescribed. While the best measure thus far is to Abstain.