Cubana Chiefpriest Laments Over Nigerian Leaders
Celebrity bartender, Cubana Chiefpriest has questioned God’s existence over the happening of the past week.
For almost a week, citizens of the country have been looting Covid-19 palliatives hidden in warehouses. Several state government have been reportedly busted for hiding relief materials meant for the masses. The palliative which was supposed to help alleviate hunger during the pandemic. was locked by some wicked government officials.
This is the reason Cubana Chiefpriest doubted the existence of God in the country. He could not believe God was letting this level of oppression thrive. He also said the citizens who are expecting the government to give social amenities can not even give basic commodities like rice and salt. The amenities he meant are good roads, healthcare services and education.
In his exact words,

“So Funny How We Are Expecting Light, Good Roads, Health Care, Security, Education, Development, Empowerment Etc From People That Refused To Give Us Common Noodles To Eat.
As Of Today Cement Na 4,000 Rice Na 38,000, We Are Finished. Sometimes I Wonder If God Dey For Real Because How Can God Comfortably Watch These Oppressors Oppress Us.
This Country Na Wah !!!! To Me, It Can Only Get Worse #CelebrityBarMan”