The survival reality show, Gulder Ultimate Search, is back on our TV screens after a seven-year break.
The reality show kept viewers glued to their screen as the contestants camp in different parts of Nigeria to struggle against themselves and the wild, i.e. nature, and their search for a hidden treasure that brings to the last person standing instant fame and fortune.
The show started in 2004 and has seen 11 seasons before going on a break in 2016. It has also birthed different stars since it first premiered.
Gulder Ultimate Search is Back After 7 Years Break
The TV premiere of ‘Gulder Ultimate Search: The Age of Craftsmanship’ was officially announced by the Nigerian Breweries (NB) Plc. and is to air from October 16 till December 19, 2021.
It would help if you were between the ages of 21-35 years old and, most importantly, a Nigerian for anyone interested.
Applications are to be submitted to from September 1, 2021, to September 8, 2021.
A regional selection process in Abuja and Enugu on September 13th and 14th will be undergone only by Shortlisted applicants, following the selection in Lagos on September 16 and 17, 2021.
The survival tv show will be aired on local channels in the country and also on Dstv.