This coronavirus in Nigeria outbreak has brought a lot of things to a halt – School, work, events, concerts, late-night rendezvous, shopping. In Nigeria, for the past week, we have been practicing social distancing, isolation, and self-quarantining to curb the spread of the virus. Guess what? The boredom is killing. It’s driving a lot of people crazy and I am not excluded.
I think one of the reasons why it seems as if we are all running mad because we are all stuck in our houses is this – on a normal day, we are always busy. Our tight work schedules, side hustles, relationships, sex life keep us so busy that we can barely stop to catch our breath. We are all caught up in the rush-rush of our lives and don’t often have time to rest, let alone get bored.
Coronavirus In Nigeria
With coronavirus, these normal routines have been brought to an abrupt end. We are all stuck in our houses. Boredom keeps breathing down our neck. We are now paying attention to inconsequential things. I came out this morning, stood at the balcony and started counting the cars in my compound. We are no longer waking up very early every day to go to work. Maybe that’s why most of us are getting unnecessarily horny. The mind is idle, what do you expect? The ladies can’t even stroll to a man’s house to collect “premium knacks”. And as a guy, you can’t even invite a babe over, because of social distancing.
This lifestyle is enough to drive anyone crazy but trust Nigerian youths to always find ways to by-pass any problem. Here are some of the things helping them stay sane this period;
Social Media

Since the Nigerian government enforced this “Stay-at-home” order to help reduce the spread of coronavirus, a lot of Nigerian youths have resorted to social media to stay in touch with friends and find out the latest developments in the battle against the virus. We find ourselves endlessly scrolling through Twitter, then Instagram, then Twitter again and then a quick dash to Facebook. If it’s not Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, then we are scrolling through our WhatsApp contacts, posting, viewing and commenting on status.
Then there is this temptation to chat up your ex and tell him or her, “I miss us”. In addition to remembering forgotten friends, you now reply your message ASAP. Because, really, what else are you doing with your life if not to wake up, take your bath, eat, then lie down and start pressing phone?
Tik Tok

Tik Tok is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service used to create short dance, lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos. It has seriously helped a lot of Nigerian youths keep their sanity during this crazy period. It doesn’t even matter how mature you think you are, the platform is a great way to pass time and get a little bit of physical activity during the day. A lot of people are getting creative with it. Yesterday, a friend of mine sat down, downloaded the app and started writing video ideas. Today alone, she has made three videos, posted it online and got a lot of comments. I am yet to download mine though but I will do that soon.
WhatsApp secret anonymous message;

This one is very popular. Everyone on my WhatsApp contact list keeps dropping links on their status asking people to write and send an anonymous secret message to them. When they do, they go ahead to screenshot the message and post it back on their status. And I am like, “Is that not supposed to be a secret?”
But anyway, that’s where the fun is. A lot of horny individuals telling you how much they fantasize about you and how they can’t wait to breathe life to the fantasies.
I recently came across a meme on Twitter, “While American students are doing research on coronavirus, Nigerian students are busy sending secret anonymous messages on WhatsApp”.
Sex toys and porn hub

This social distancing and “Stay-at-home” order has made a lot of us horny especially single folks like us. It’s not like we don’t get horny on a normal day, we do, but at least you had the liberty to visit anyone you want and jerk off. But now, you are stuck at home and it’s crazy. For the past few days, I have been fighting the urge to visit a girl. Like, I literally tell myself, “Kingsley, calm down”, .
I know I am not the only one going through this and the only way we can stay sane is either by using our hands to give yourself the pleasure we crave for, or we can use sex toys or go chill in porn hub. In fact, a friend told me this morning that porn hub has made their premium service free. That’s really a great way to save humans during this global pandemic.

Okay, this is for those that have sense. Before the outbreak of coronavirus, we always bought and downloaded books but never read them. We tell ourselves that we would read books if we had more time. But this period we do not have such an excuse anymore since you are stuck at home, idle and bored.
There are still a lot of things that could be keeping us sane this period but these are the essentials. Let me know what you think in the comment section.
What is your coping mechanism.
1 Comment
I’m from the U.K but live in Nepal, everyone seems to be going to Tik Tok also! I’m just reading books and blogging… great post