A tale of a scammer’s failed attempt at blackmailing Tacha and Toke Makinwa. Earlier today, ex big brother housemate and influencer Tacha’s management took to her verified Instagram page to share what they claimed were edited n*de pictures of her. According to them, they have received multiple emails from unknown persons asking them to pay money to them or risk having the pictures released to the public.
However, according to her management, Tacha did not take any of those raunchy pictures in the past and will not take them in the future.
Find Tacha’s Pictures here.
A Scammer’s Failed Attempt at Blackmailing Tacha and Toke Makinwa
Also, Fashion mugul and OAP, Toke Makinwa also had similar experience. Although hers seem to be relatable as she had some raunchy bikini pictures of her taken in the past, they were not same as the ones she was threatened with. She also released the pictures sent to her email as the scammer threatened to release the pictures if she does not pay them a certain amount of money. They were also edited as those sent to Tacha.
The duo have respectively called out whoever the scammer is and has advised that he or she got busy with more genuine ventures.
Although there are no proofs that the pictures all came from single source, the similarities in the pictures is almost impossible to notice.
Fine Toke Makinwa’s Pictures here.
A Scammer’s Failed Attempt at Blackmailing Tacha and Toke Makinwa