
WHO Confirms New Case Of Ebola In DRC


The World Health Organization, WHO said there is a new case of Ebola in DRC, the Democratic Republic of Congo, hence the country will not be able to declare an end to the epidemic as expected.

The announcement comes barely two days to when the government of the DRC plan to declare an end to the Ebola outbreak in the country on Monday.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr Tedros Adhanom confirmed this in a post on his official Twitter handle.

The post reads “A new confirmed case of the #Ebola virus disease was reported on Friday in the Democratic Republic of the #Congo, two days before the planned official declaration of the end to the outbreak, according to the health authorities.

New Case Of Ebola In DRC

The confirmation means the government of DRC will not be able to declare an end to the Ebola outbreak on Monday.

Meanwhile, the WHO has expressed commitment to working with the government, affected communities and other partners of the organization to end the outbreak.

Heath officials in DRC

It was earlier reported that no new cases have been reported in the ongoing Ebola virus disease in the country since 17 February 2020.

Meanwhile, there was sustained risk of re-emergence of the outbreak, given the challenges related to limited resources amidst other local and global emergencies and limited access to some affected communities.