
Mercy and Ike Show Episode 6: What Exactly is Ike Doing to Make Mercy’s Life Easier?


Mercy is currently suggesting that she needs to see a therapist. The recent strife between herself and Ike is making her life a living hell. Part of the reasons for this is because Ike is constantly setting her up for bashing from his fans. He is constantly making derogatory comments about her in her absence. Ike is also fond of discussing her with his family and allowing them to say terrible things about her. What makes this messy is that when they say all these things, Ike never stands up to them. He allows them get away with all the terrible things they believe about her without a good fight.

Mercy and Ike Show Episode 6: What Exactly is Ike Doing to Make Mercy’s Life Easier?

Moving forward from the terrible comments, Mercy is in the midst of people she is constantly thinking about and taking care of. Since the beginning of this show, Ike has not done a single nice gesture for his girlfriend. It is always about him and what she does wrong. It is always about how her fame is affecting their relationship. What exactly has Ike done or doing to make Mercy’s life easier?

What Exactly is Ike Doing to Make Mercy’s Life Easier?

Definitely, every relationship has its downtimes, but with the way Ike is putting the weight of keeping this relationship on Mercy, it is only a matter of time before her strength gives way and she will walk away. If he does not sit up and remember that Mercy just wants to relass and be taken kiaruf, he will soon be running around complaining of another Willie. He that has ears let him hear.

Do you know that Mercy is currently fighting depression?