Categories: Lit Corner

The Plus Factor (Episode 5)



Welcome to another episode of the exclusive show. I am Joan!

And today I’ll be talking about the first step in the goal setting process and that is CLARITY OF PURPOSE

The process of aligning yourself with the inner flow of power and becoming a goal setter is of course not an easy task but a difficult one. Like any other task or rather like any other skill out there, it has to be studied and practiced. Just like the Holy Bible says, you have to study to show yourself approved and you have to practice to gain mastery of your skills.

So how do you do that?

The first thing is to Develop a positive attitude

You heard me, you have to develop a positive attitude. Any negativism around you needs to be gotten rid of; get rid of aimlessness and any sense of defeat or negativism. When you have people feeding you with negative thoughts whenever you talk about your plans and goals; someone who tells you: “No it can’t be done,” you have to step away from the person. You don’t want to keep such people around you. So you have to develop a positive attitude.

Second of all, you have to remember there is something called Self Discipline

It means you have to impose certain disciplines upon yourself. You have to deprive yourself of certain pleasures for the meantime in order to pursue your goals. It’s highly important.

Thirdly, you have to Define your Purpose. That’s the whole essence of clarity of Purpose. You have to define your purpose; the goal-setting process will require you to think thoroughly and it will sharpen your thinking.

Define your goals and your purpose. Goals range from broad life goals to small specific ones.

There are long-term and short-term goals. I categorize short-term goals as those goals that you can accomplish within 6 months and long-term goals will take one to two years to be accomplished. So you have to properly map out your plans.

What are your goals? Define your goal!

What do you want to accomplish in 6 months?

What do you want to accomplish in two years, in one year.

Those are your long-term goals and short-term goals. You have to know the difference between them. You have… As a matter of fact distinguish between your long-term goals and your short-term goals.

Another very important point under this clarity of Purpose is Determination; you have to use your Intuition and Perseverance. I already talked about negativism, you can’t allow bad blood, you can’t allow people to feed you with negative thoughts. You want to keep people who would constantly feed you with positive thoughts. People who have positive mindset that whenever you talk to them about something, instead of saying “No,  it’s not possible,” they tell you one thousand ways of making that a possibility, of accomplishing that. Those are the kind of people you want to work with.

Also, Time Management and allocation is important. When you map out your goals, you have to, first of all, break them into sizeable bits. Take them one step at a time. Bit by bit, step by step, dreams come through coz big things come from the little things we do. So if you want, if you have a long-term goal, break the long-term goal into short-term goals, goals that you can achieve in bits, in sizeable bits and please do not fool yourself. Allocate how much you can handle. You know how much you can handle, how much work you can handle. You have to break them into proportions. Don’t fool yourself, don’t give yourself too many things to do and at the end of the day you fail to do them. So, what you know you can accomplish per day, you allocate time to them.

Are you going to spend 10 minutes? Are you going to spend 30 minutes?

Are you going to spend 2 hours doing this? You have to do that.

Proper time management involves proper time allocation. You have to be responsible for you. And that’s it.

So clarity of Purpose is not just one of the steps that you can overlook. It is the basis, the foundation of the goals, in the goal-setting process. So you have to take it and treat it as very important.

Make your goals clear.

Define your goals and your purpose.

Break them into sizeable bits.

Allocate time.

Monitor yourself and ensure that you do them.

I believe that this episode has taught you one or two things about setting goals which is one if the steps to reaching your dreams and actualizing them.

Thanks for watching once again. Don’t forget to check my previous episode here. Make it a date with me next week monday for another episode.

Bye for now!