
Pics: Hilarious!!! Woman Scolds Her Dog, Drops Moral Lesson


A woman (unidentified) woke up this morning to start her day by giving her dog some scolding and moral lesson after it disobeyed a direct order multiple times.

The woman, in a video, was seen scolding the dog the same way any parent would discipline their children if they fail to obey an instruction.

The dog, Billy, failed to adhere to instructions not to mess up the upper part of their building. What made it so funny was how the lady spoke to the animal as if it was going to reply.

Still in the video uploaded to a Twitter status, she threatened to beat up the animal with a stick if it ever repeats the same action.

On different occasions, she asked if the dog heard whatever she was saying, sounding countless stern warnings to pass the message across.

She was so serious that even the person filming the moment could not crack a smile.

However, she forgave the man’s best friend and even asked it to extend a handshake, hoping that it would not disobey again.